Official Home Page & Blog

Welcome to the official homepage & blog for the Museums Alaska - Alaska Historical Society 2012 Joint Annual Conference.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Museums Alaska Keynote Announced

It's official - museum consultant and organizational coach Alice Parman, Ph.D., will be the Museums Alaska keynote speaker for Sitka 2012! The title of Alice's talk will be "Engaging Communities in Exhibit  Development," and directly following that keynote, she will be available for a "Up Close" Q&A session for direct conversations. But before all of that, she will also be leading a pre-conference workshop on Wednesday, October 10th, entitled "Exhibit Makeovers."

Please join us for an exciting set of opportunities to learn more about working with communities in the exhibit-making process. Check out Alice's website and watch for announcements about registration! Our Sitka Host Committee is working hard to deliver a great time for us this fall.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Museums Alaska has a theme for Sitka 2012!
Museums Matter: Connecting with Our Communities

We're ready to finalize our keynote speaker, so stay tuned!

Friday, March 16, 2012

2012 Annual Meeting News

Our blog has a new look and feel. I hope more of you will follow us and stay connected through the conference planning process.

Once again, representatives of Museums Alaska and the Alaska Historical Society are hard at work planning your annual conference for 2012. Scheduled for October 10-13 in beautiful Sitka, Alaska, we are sure to have many interesting and engaging sessions for attendees of all levels and backgrounds!

The Museums Alaska website is currently undergoing a full renovation, so updates will be posted here for the time being.

The theme for the Alaska Historical Society is: Alaska on the World Stage
Visit their website for the 2012 Call for Papers and full description of the theme. Keynote speakers will be Vic Fischer and Charles Wohlforth.

The Museums Alaska program committee is working to finalize our conference theme and keynote speaker, as well as a dynamic lineup of sessions. Keep coming back for updates!

Monday, September 13, 2010

AHS Local Historical Societies roundtable 9/16

The AHS Local Historical Societies committee will be hosting a breakfast roundtable session for history and cultural organizations on Thursday, September 16th from 7am to 8am at the Golden Bear Restaurant (at the Wedgewood Resort). This is an opportunity for the local organizations around the state to come together at the annual conference and exchange ideas, news, challenges and success stories. You may remember sharing stories over pizza in Juneau, quiche in Homer and continental breakfast in Anchorage. We encourage folks to bring copies of membership brochures, recent newsletters or other publications to share. Everyone is welcome. The Golden Bear Restaurant will have a breakfast buffet available for purchase – cold buffet for $8.95 and hot buffet for $13.95. Please help us spread the word by sharing news of this event with individuals and organizations in your communities.

Katie Oliver
Executive Director
Kodiak Historical Society
Baranov Museum

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Two weeks to go!

The final countdown has started - two weeks to go until our big meeting in Fairbanks. There is still time to register and reserve a hotel room at the Wedgewood Resort. There are rental car discount rates also.

Your local host committee is busy putting the final touches on arrangements, getting your conference bags printed (they're gorgeous!), finalizing the schedule and implementing some changes from the draft schedule... all things to make the conference a great experience for everyone!

Fairbanks weather is cooperating as the birch and aspen trees are starting to turn a lovely shade of golden yellow, the highbush cranberry and fireweed is starting to turn a deep scarlet... the skies are that special shade of blue that you only find in Fairbanks. Mornings are crisp, afternoons warm - the perfect combination to feel energized!

See you soon!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Updated Schedule-at-a-Glance

The most up-to-date schedule-at-a-glance has just been posted to the Museums Alaska website. This includes all of the sessions for the Alaska Historical Society, which you can learn more about by downloading the abstracts document as well.

Your host committee is hard at work planning the evening events and working out all of the details to help make this Fairbanks conference one to remember!

Registration is still open, so do it now!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Early registration ends July 31 - save yourself $25 and register now!!!