Official Home Page & Blog

Welcome to the official homepage & blog for the Museums Alaska - Alaska Historical Society 2012 Joint Annual Conference.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Museums Alaska Keynote Announced

It's official - museum consultant and organizational coach Alice Parman, Ph.D., will be the Museums Alaska keynote speaker for Sitka 2012! The title of Alice's talk will be "Engaging Communities in Exhibit  Development," and directly following that keynote, she will be available for a "Up Close" Q&A session for direct conversations. But before all of that, she will also be leading a pre-conference workshop on Wednesday, October 10th, entitled "Exhibit Makeovers."

Please join us for an exciting set of opportunities to learn more about working with communities in the exhibit-making process. Check out Alice's website and watch for announcements about registration! Our Sitka Host Committee is working hard to deliver a great time for us this fall.

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