Official Home Page & Blog

Welcome to the official homepage & blog for the Museums Alaska - Alaska Historical Society 2012 Joint Annual Conference.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Two weeks to go!

The final countdown has started - two weeks to go until our big meeting in Fairbanks. There is still time to register and reserve a hotel room at the Wedgewood Resort. There are rental car discount rates also.

Your local host committee is busy putting the final touches on arrangements, getting your conference bags printed (they're gorgeous!), finalizing the schedule and implementing some changes from the draft schedule... all things to make the conference a great experience for everyone!

Fairbanks weather is cooperating as the birch and aspen trees are starting to turn a lovely shade of golden yellow, the highbush cranberry and fireweed is starting to turn a deep scarlet... the skies are that special shade of blue that you only find in Fairbanks. Mornings are crisp, afternoons warm - the perfect combination to feel energized!

See you soon!

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