Official Home Page & Blog

Welcome to the official homepage & blog for the Museums Alaska - Alaska Historical Society 2012 Joint Annual Conference.

Monday, September 13, 2010

AHS Local Historical Societies roundtable 9/16

The AHS Local Historical Societies committee will be hosting a breakfast roundtable session for history and cultural organizations on Thursday, September 16th from 7am to 8am at the Golden Bear Restaurant (at the Wedgewood Resort). This is an opportunity for the local organizations around the state to come together at the annual conference and exchange ideas, news, challenges and success stories. You may remember sharing stories over pizza in Juneau, quiche in Homer and continental breakfast in Anchorage. We encourage folks to bring copies of membership brochures, recent newsletters or other publications to share. Everyone is welcome. The Golden Bear Restaurant will have a breakfast buffet available for purchase – cold buffet for $8.95 and hot buffet for $13.95. Please help us spread the word by sharing news of this event with individuals and organizations in your communities.

Katie Oliver
Executive Director
Kodiak Historical Society
Baranov Museum

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