Official Home Page & Blog

Welcome to the official homepage & blog for the Museums Alaska - Alaska Historical Society 2012 Joint Annual Conference.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Official site for the 2010 Joint Annual Conference of MA & AHS

This is our new official site for keeping track of the comings and goings related to the 2010 Joint Annual Conference of Museums Alaska and the Alaska Historical Society. The members of your Fairbanks Host Committee invite you to share your comments about our fair city and what you're looking forward to as we develop the events and schedule for what promises to be an excellent conference.

If you don't already know, the dates of the conference are Sept. 15-18, 2010. The meetings will be held at the Wedgewood Resort (, which is also the home of the Fountainhead Antique Auto Museum.

For Facebook users, we have a Group set up to keep track of what is going on, so join us there as well.

Museums Alaska program committee is working on developing some excellent sessions surrounding our theme: "Reflection and Renewal." Our keynote speaker has been confirmed as Bernice Joseph, UAF's Executive Dean of the College of Rural and Community Development and Vice Chancellor for Rural, Community and Native Education.

Alaska Historical Society has a call for papers out, on the theme: "Energizing Alaska." These are due May 15, 2010 to Ross Coen, Conference Planning See for the full call for papers. The keynote speaker for AHS has been confirmed to be John Bockstoce, former Curator of Ethnology at the New Bedford Whaling Museum and author of numerous publications, including most recently, Furs and Frontiers in the Far North: The Contest Among Native and Foreign Nations for the Bering Strait Fur Trade.

Our local host committee is being managed by members from the Tanana-Yukon Historical Society and the University of Alaska Museum of the North.

We look forward to keeping you up-to-date on registration information and all other technical aspects of the conference.

Looking forward to seeing you in the fall!

~Angela Linn, UA Museum of the North

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